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Basarabia, in German: Bessaraben, is a region with internationally awarded wines par excellence, moreover a region steeped in history, located in south-eastern Europe, right on the EU's external border, next to Romania and Ukraine. On June 27, 2014, the Association Agreement between the EU and the Republic of Moldova was signed in Brussels. The Basarabia area is identical to the territory of the Republic of Moldova with over 3,500 million inhabitants. The capital Chisinau / Kischenau, built on seven hills, is the most populous city in the country with more than 950,000 inhabitants. The Bessarabian German Karl Ferdinand Schmidt is still considered the best mayor that Kischenau has ever had. During his tenure (1877-1903) he initiated, for example, tram traffic and street lighting, but also the construction of the town hall and social facilities such as schools. Bessarabia is historically closely connected to Romania. Romanian is the main official language. The family of Prince Constantin Serban Basarab (17th century) gave this region, which was sought after by many empires, the name Basarabia. In the eventful history of the country, the empires rivaling the sovereign like Rome and the Ottoman Empire as well as Austria-Hungary and Russia left their traces not only in the form of architectural monuments such as the Orhei Fortress, but also a variety of ceramic and glass wine vessels. These legacies are evidence of the enjoyment of fine wines from the rulers of the coveted wine region of Basarabia. Huge underground wineries Cricova and Miestii Mici are particularly sensational. The calcareous black earth is one of the best soils. The grape varieties on the small-hilly vineyards thrive particularly well in the warm and dry climate in the south. Majestic vineyards as far as the eye can see, framed by walnut tree avenues and sunflower plantations. No artificial fertilizer, no pesticides. Organic!
The great importance that Basarabia wine has for the country is illustrated by the fact that the government declared the 2nd Sunday in October as a "national wine holiday". Unique in the world! The “National Wine Holiday” also attracts numerous tourists from abroad every year. This unique holiday is framed with cultural programs and tastings of culinary arts in the culinary spectrum from hearty and hearty to dishes for lovers of vegan delicacies, such as the national dish Mamaliga, also known as polenta. The stork is the lucky charm of Bessarabia, Romanian: Barza. The fact that the stork is also a lucky charm for wine growing in Bessarabia has been proven several times, for example by the medal record at the "International Daejeon Wine Festival 2019" in South Korea, where wines from Bessarabia won 34 gold medals and 21 silver medals! These awards are the result of the clever policies of the state, which has been presenting Bessarabian wines at demanding quality competitions in the EU and Asia for several years and has won over 1,000 medals. The company "", now directly present in Germany, also has the stork as a lucky charm in its logo and would like to spoil the lovers of fine wines in Germany with quality wines from the wine and cultural region of Bessarabia. The red and white wines as well as rosé wines in the “” portfolio are organic products, certified with the highest quality standards. Noroc! / For the benefit! Discover the wine and cultural land of Bessarabia. - a new taste.