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From Basarabia I accept terms and conditions

General Terms of use for


§ 1. General

1. The use of the website is granted to the user solely on the basis of these terms of use. They include all free usage offers shown below in the online shop (hereinafter "Platform").

2. The provider of the platform is Brummann GmbH, Schaperstraße 14, D-10719 Berlin, Germany.

Phone: +49 17636449273, E-Mail: (hereinafter: "").


§ 2. Service description, right of use

Users have the possibility of being on the platform, to comment on wines, to give reviews, to comment on comments, to create a profile, to create lists hereinafter "content".

With the discontinuation of this content on the platform, the user provides the irrevocable, temporally and content unlimited right to use content posted by the user for use for advertising purposes.


§ 3. Duties of

1. Access to the platform is always possible for the user at any time. At peak times or due to maintenance or system malfunction, platform (short-term) failures may occur. This does not give the user any claims for damages against

2. reserves the right to discontinue all or part of the services according to § 2 for the user at any time without prior notice. Claims for damages for the user against also do not result from this.


§ 4. Registration

1. Prerequisite for access and use of the evaluation area is the free registration on the platform. However, there is no legal claim to registration and use.

2. The user must provide the data necessary for the use (first name, name and e-mail address) for the registration.

3. The user undertakes to provide only truthful information about his person. He may only create a single account as part of the use of the platform.

4. In the case of the impossibility of authentication of the registration data as well as in the case of false information during registration, suspected or recognizable misuse of the platform, damage or impairment of the functionality of the platform and other serious violations of the terms of use, is entitled to delete data and content of the user from the platform.

5. When placing any content on the platform, the user guarantees that they are free from third-party rights or that he has the appropriate rights of use. The user indemnifies from all possible claims and claims of third parties in this regard.

6. The user can terminate his membership on the platform at any time. He agrees that all important notifications concerning the use of the platform will be sent by by e-mail, unless another form is required by law.


§ 5. User behavior

1. The user undertakes to use the functions according to § 2 exclusively for the purpose intended in these conditions. It is forbidden to the user in particular on the Platform to operate commercial advertising for themselves or for third parties. is entitled to permanently block the access of the user and to delete all his data and contents from the platform.

2. For the content and accuracy of the texts posted by the user, this is the sole responsibility. is not obligated to check the submitted contents for their completeness, correctness and for the impairment of the rights of third parties. In addition, the user is prohibited from entering any incomplete, false or misleading information or doing anything that violates or intends to compromise system or network security.

3. expressly reserves the right to delete content if it violates legal prohibitions. This includes offensive, racist, pornographic or otherwise immoral content. The user can also violate the statutory prohibitions by setting hyperlinks. In addition to violations of the Criminal Law, the user has in particular to refrain from infringement of copyrights, trademark and other trademark rights, personal rights and other rights of third parties.

4. In the case of infringement, the user is obligated to immediately eliminate the violation and to indemnify from all damages resulting therefrom and to exempt him from claims of third parties. The indemnification covers in particular claims that third parties assert against for inadmissible contents or other violations of the law which the user is responsible for. The exemption also includes the necessary legal costs.

5. The rights of the user are limited to the submission of ratings and comments as well as to the query of ratings and comments of other users on the basis of these terms of use. Unless otherwise stated, the user is granted no further rights of use.


§ 6. Reviews and comments


When submitting ratings and comments, the user must comply with the following guidelines:

1. Assessment: The user undertakes to objectively formulate the assessment or comment so that it is understandable and comprehensible to third parties. Offensive or defamatory statements in any form (in particular racist, reputation-damaging, sexist or vulgar content) are not permitted and will not be published by and deleted immediately.

2. General information on publication: Content that does not comply with these guidelines will not be published on the platform without giving reasons and will be deleted from the server.


§ 7. Invite-Friends Program offers advantages for advertising of friends. When using the "invite-friends" feature, the following terms apply:

1. The program includes only the advertising of close acquaintances. This includes friends, family members and colleagues. reserves the right to make the payment of the credit or the grant of the promised benefit dependent on proof of acquaintance.

2. The invite-friends program is aimed exclusively at private end customers. Use by commercial customers is excluded. In addition, a commercial use of the program by private customers, for example by publishing on blogs, vlogs or similar commercial or commercial-like appearances is prohibited.

3. The publication of the invite-friends link, especially on websites, social media accounts or in online comments, is prohibited. A transfer of the link may only be made privately.

4. The maximum number of advertisements per customer per month is limited to five.

5. A violation of the aforementioned provisions, in particular an improper publication of the link, causes the user to lose all claims from the invite-friends program.


§ 8. Liability is liable in the context of the legal regulations.


§ 9. Change of the general terms of use

1. expressly reserves the right to change these general conditions of use at any time.

2. informs the user immediately about a change of the conditions of use. If the user does not object to the change within a period of two weeks, starting from the day following the change notice, it shall be deemed approved.

3. If the user objects, the conditions valid at the time of conclusion of the contract shall remain valid until the end of the contractual relationship. In this case, is entitled to a right of termination within one month after receipt of the objection.


§ 10. Final Provisions

1. The present conditions are exclusively subject to German law.

2. Should individual provisions of these conditions be ineffective or lose their effectiveness due to a later event, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected.